Over the years of our activity, we have become experts in organizing and holding events of any nature and specialization, from regional and international high-level conferences to small family celebrations with foreign guests. Tous, eventsupportis notjust about interpretation; it implies a whole range of services, which includes:
- Logistics and pre-event arrangements – finding the right space/location, contracting catering and transport services, providing the necessary audio/video/photo equipment, developing and printing the relevant advertising and information materials;
- Organizing national trips;
- Arranging for interpreting services using any equipment, inanysetting – from city hotels to industrial businesses and rural locations.
Please note! Given the current lockdown restrictions, we are organizing events of any level online using the appropriates of twareand hardware. Busines smeetings, negotiations, professional meetings, workshops and conferences are now online, supported by professional consecutive and simultaneous interpretation services!